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NEWS FLASH !!!  ---------------------------------
10th Annual DBAD Banquet Janurary 28, 2012 (click here to see flyer)
8th Annual Lunker Tournament (click here to see flyer)
July 11, 2010 Ray Robert Lake (make up tournament from March)
The weather was clear, sunny with light wind yet still hot. Tournament went for a half day from 6:00 am to noon. Five fishermen came and only ONE was able to catch a bass. 1st place Larry Fewell
 --------------------------------- July 10, 2010 Lewisville Lake Lately this month, the weather has been very hot. We decide to go fishing in the early morning from 6:00am to noon. It was raining a lot for several days before fishing day. It was a good thing because there were so much clouds yet no rain with heavy humid. The wind was light during the tournament. Thank goodness the rain came down pouring right after the tournament. We were lucky to be able to fish without no rain. There were seven fishermen at the tournament, four of us were able to catch the bass. 1st place Larry Fewell, 2nd place John Peckham, 3rd Rick Schaeffer, 4th place Jesse Carrizales.
 --------------------------------- May 1, 2010 Ray Robert Lake
DBAD held a tournament at Ray Roberts Lake. The weather was pretty nice, it was sunny, some clouds and with wind of 5-10 mph. The temparature was 65. The water was in a nice normal level. Four fishermen came and had no luck catching any fish --------------------------------- May 2, 2010 Ray Robert Lake (make up tournament from February)
It was a make up tournament from February's month. It was held at Ray Roberts Lake. The weather was pretty much the same as the day before yet with less wind. two were caught out of five fishermen. See the picture below
January 31, 2010 8th Annual Banquet
 We, the DBAD, had our 8th Annual Banquet. We enjoyed our meal. Four different meats (BBQ Briskets, Fried Chickens, Meatloafs and Polish Sausages) were served on that day. We also had many side/covered dishes and various different desserts.
DBAD want to thank Sorenson VRS and Preston & Cathy Ashley for their generous donation toward the meats.
After the banquet meal, DBAD handed out several out awards and door prizes. Congratulations to the winners.
Look forward to see you all again next year! --------------------------------- Dallas Bass Anglers of the Deaf March 13 and 14, 2010 7th Annual Lunker Tournament
 DBAD hosted 7th Annaul Lunker Tournament at Lake Fork. We had 9 fishermen. The weather was nice, light windy and yet a bit cool with sun. Water was still cold because we had snow and cold temperature during the last few weeks before the tournament.

CONGRATS go to: 1st Jesse Carrizales 2 bass... 4.06 lbs 2nd Colton Armstrong 3 bass... 3.96 lbs 3rd Deanna Carrizales 1 bass... 2.19 lbs
And Jesse Carrizales won lunker 16 inches length and 2.50 lbs
DBAD had successful tournament and we want to say thank you and congrats to Chairman Mitchel Bien for his very good job. --------------------------------- Texas Bass Club of the Deaf March 19 and 20, 2010 44th Annual State Bass Tournament
 They held their 44th Annual State Bass Tournament at Richland Chamber Lake. There were nine (10) teams. The weather was not pleasant; strong winds and it was very cold during that weekend. It also light sleet and snow on us Saturday. The water was very cold, high wave with white cap about 25-35 mph windy.

CONGRATS go to: 1st Mitchel Bien and Colton Armstrong 3 bass. 5.12 lbs 2nd Jesse Carrizales and Juan Carrizales 1 bass . 2.08 lbs 3rd Rick Schaeffer and John Peckham 1 bass . 1.15 lbs 4th Clifton Bryant and Jay Copeland 1 bass . 1.12 lbs
Friday Lunker per day....... Mitchel Bien ........2.15 lbs Saturday Lunker per day .. Jesse Carrizales ..2.08 lbs Lunker of Tournament... Mitchel Bien 2.15 lbs
